3 Sisters Workshop

3 sisters workshop logo

A triangle is made of three equal parts, one part is the foundation while the other two hold it together and point above to a higher level.

What connects us as individuals to our source and purpose?

What grounds us? What fuels us? What keeps us going and what helps us grow?

Join us for an intimate ConsciousXplorer workshop & holistic meal on the power of 3, as we discuss our personal mantras and create and make beautiful wood triangles to represent these distinct features that help us thrive day to day.

When: 7/11

Time: 1pm – 5pm

Where: *Undisclosed

Introductory Price: $20.OO

Spaces are limited, purchase your tickets HERE

Questions or inquiries, email us at ConsciousXplorer@gmail.com

*Chicago Neighborhood – Portage Park: Address will be disclosed at time of purchase.

Childcare is available with accompanying workshop designed for Children Price $7.oo Click here to purchase

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Our 1st ConsciousXplorer Community event: Flower Power Workshop

Day Dreaming of Travels:


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I went on a little weekend trip to Denver last weekend and boy was it refreshing. Clean air, long walks, laid back people. I loved the atmosphere, the accessibility to nature and the overall vibe it exudes – a well balance of city and the great outdoors, without all the pretentiousness. I can get use to a place like this…

Getting back home after a trip (no matter how far, long or short the stay) only makes me yearn for more travels. I’m in this current mood of exploration and desire for passion in whatever form it may come. I mean the kind that makes your heart flutter as if in this very moment you are aligned with the universe, your purpose and holly uncompromising love… true love. Among other things, I find that fulfillment through traveling and discovering, which is why leaving is always nostalgic no matter where I’m at.  Lets see where my little heart takes me next.

Instagram – Michigan Labor Day Recap

Labor day weekend was spent delightfully wandering through South Haven Michigan, conveniently located only 2 hrs away from Chicago and a perfect little get away from the big city. A charming place with cute little shops and a delicious selection of wineries and eateries. It felt great to step back  in time where the influences of the big city have not interfered with the personality of a small quaint town…


In my later post I’ll follow through with specific places and locations visited on this trip.

Sweetness in quiet moments


As I’m transitioning into a different level of awareness, some days I find ultra blissfulness in solitude and at others creeping panic of uncertainty.  It got me thinking, many of us are afraid of change in one way or another but truth is there’s a gift in change, there’s power in change, there’s transformation in change and without change, we would never grow. I’m learning to give thanks in my evolving period because I know miracles are happening and presents are coming. I have been experiencing the most overwhelming peace and sense of divine reassurance where I can just sit and absorb the invisible blessings I know are headed towards me and yet with all the reinforcement, at moments I break. So why is that?

If  our parent told us as kids, “I have the most beautiful present in the WORLD for you that you are going to love! and all you have to do is sit still and quiet until the end of the day and then you will receive it” I bet that’s when the most “itchiness”, squirming and reluctant urges would occur. And then we would remember that the most beautiful present in the world is coming to us and find a reason to behave. Now there might be kids where the promise is not enough and blow it and there might be kids who even if inside they are dying to throw a fit, they will remember the objective and behave in order to earn the gift. The difference is the discipline these two types of kids might have and herein lies our level of faith. Trusting I mean REALLY trusting in the power and promises of the most powerful source of the universe is sometimes if not always a level of discipline in our minds.  And this is where I stand, FAITH = DISCIPLINE.

What do you do to keep your mind disciplined and in check in order not to “blow it”?

Meditation, Gluten and Well Balanced Days

Mediation and Gluten

Since I was very young I have been on a quest of the unseen source that fuels me which my spirit knew was real. I remember asking friends, “am I really me? like, me I’m me!” and it weirded me out as if I had snap shot moments of realization that my body only housed my true energy. It was weird at the time as I was only a child with no knowledge or exposure to what I know now as “new age philosophies” or any of the rest of the “mum-bo jumbo”. I knew of God and my mom took us to church, but divinity in a sense was still un-chartered territory as church seemed mostly composed of all the things I shouldn’t do if I wanted to go to heaven. I was mostly freaked out about most things because I was afraid of everything and as I grew my fears grew with me. They remembered me from back then, in a sense they had become my friend but I didn’t know their hidden agenda was to keep me back from my true potential, from self- confidence, from serene joy and loving calm reassurance in midst of turbulent times…
In the past couple of months I have regressed to a sense of fogginess. Although I am completely coherent the days seem like a daze and my surroundings seem un-sharp and hazy.  As if I know I am here but it seems unreal. This is not in the euphoric type of way, but in the disconnected type of way. This is not to say I am checked out, it just seems to be enough glaze to notice. Although I had changed my health habits in the past 3 years,  the last 10 months I slowly got lazy and discontinued my priorities on health and a true clean lifestyle which I had persevered at so well. Cooking my lunch and dinner everyday, buying only quality foods, exercising regularly, from a couple months to the other they had fallen at the way side. June of 2013 had been my fittest year ever, I felt great when I tried on clothes but mentally I had also burnt myself out. So I took a “break” and overindulged in “summer time Chi” and once October 2013 came rolling by there was changes in life and a lot of excuses, polar vortex, and before you knew it summer 2014 was here. As I tried on my summer 2013 clothes only to find none of them fit, it was a reality check and I realized it was time to make some changes again. So I enrolled myself back into my crossfit classes and started doing a little research about my “haze”.
I have pulled up so much information on gluten and the intolerance and different effects it has on different people. One of the few seem to be my foggy side effects and it would make sense since I had freely ate out, ingested breads, baked goods, packaged and processed foods in the last 10 months with out much consciousness… How does all this tie in with my 1st paragraph of my loony-ville child hood? Well since the haze came back and weight gain was apparent I decided to not only get back to a healthy lifestyle but incorporate spiritual exercises as well so as to not burn myself out this time around and I have started meditating. The physical body is very important to maintain as it is the vessel that allows me to move around, be productive, help, love, work, serve, exercise, create and do all that I enjoy, but the mind and the spirit are the ones that control it. There is not much that I can do if the control system which is my mind is not taken care of. Even in just 1 week of meditating, I have felt clearing of sorts.Thirdly is the fuel that goes into my vessel, which by body was telling me was not quality. Processed flour, packaged foods, “easy meals” might save me time, but in the long run were running me down. Spirituality, health and physical are all intertwined resourcefully together. Whether you choose to ignore what your body(and mind) tells you is your choice but if you are not investing in yourself, cooking your own meals, eating quality foods, a few min of self reflection a day, a few hours a week at the gym, it will all come crumbling down and you will get burnt out if you are doing one without the other. Life is this wonderful play of synchronicity and well balanced days. I truly believe that a happy life is a balance and respect for all that encompasses you.

Galway, here we are…

A stroll and a bite in this colorful place.



Road tripping through the country



The Fumbally Cafe

I knew I wanted to visit this place, so we headed out to look for it on day one. As far as what I had read about it, I knew I would feel at home and acquainted with the vibe, the quality and the overall creative spirit this place exudes. It did not disappoint, although it was a rainy cold day and on foot in Dublin, I’m glad we searched out for it. I regret not taking some pictures of the bathroom as it had awesome art work all over, it reminded me of a place in Pilsen. Not a specific place, but the idea of a place at home with like minded people that come in to have a fresh lunch and scribble their ideas as they do so. Just very laid back, relaxed and unpretentious… It makes me the happiest when I find things that connect me with people even especially when I’m so far from home.

Click here to visit them on line.

Liberating Mella Photography 
Liberating Mella Photography

Liberating Mella Photography


Day 1: Dublin

Olga Marroquin Photography Olga Marroquin Photography Olga Marroquin Photography Olga Marroquin Photography Olga M PhotographyOlga M Photography They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s some of my photography from my 1st day in Dublin. I would like to share stories (and I will) but more excited to show you some of my shots and the reason I fell in love with Ireland.

Subtle Cues: This little shop coming your way.


World Finds, Vintage Items, Carefully Curated.  #consciousxplorer

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